Monday, February 23, 2009

My first rant

This just might be my thought, but I think there should be a production company out there that specializes in assisting guerilla filmmakers. I speak, of course, of those brave souls (myself included) who will go to whatever lengths to get a film made, permits or assurances be damned! I can bring my miniDV camera to an area down town and get the shots I need in the amount of time it would take to call up the film board, have it answered and subsequently put on hold. Aside from a few minor snafus, my crew and I have thus far been able to stay out of prison and are pretty confident in our abilities to not get caught... We just need funding and distribution. It won't matter how daring you are, it is harder to get a feature length film in theaters across the country than it is to try to film a complex action sequence with 4 guys, $15, and a can of spray paint.

Monday, February 16, 2009

10 Things To Learn About Me

You see these things so much you'd think people were being graded on them or something...

Might as well try my hand at a "Random Things" list: 

  1. I am the third generation of my family to become a filmmaker; my father made documentaries and my grandma made films for the Soviet Union and studied under Sergei Eisenstein himself.
  2. I have been shot once when I was 14, but the bullet was stopped by my laptop and metal binder in my backpack.
  3. I never owned a dog that weighed less than 20 lbs.
  4. My favorite band is the Mornings, followed by the Rolling Stones, Hobgoblin Quartet, and Ric, Rick, and Mitch Hit the Mall.
  5. One of my closest friends ran off and joined the Army at age 16, lying about his age.
  6. Despite being the youngest of my social circle, I frequently pass for being 5 years older than everyone else.
  7. My belief about love is the same as my belief about God: it exists, just probably not in the form we tend to  portray.
  8. My buddy Cain jokes that uncle-in-law (or does that make him my cousin 3 times removed??) is a cyborg because he has 5 artificial implants including a spinal blocker and a prototype liver dialysis machine.
  9. I suffer from OCD, but do my best to hide it in public. It's usually small things that escape: each time I hit enter to number this list I tapped my desk.
  10. Every day I get up and wish I was on the East Coast.